Thursday, June 26, 2014

Peaceful Warrior.

Happiness is a journey, not a destination. It seems like a cliché but it is the truth.

It happens to all of us that we fall into a trap of not celebrating our successes while pursuing our dreams. We tend to think that we will celebrate when a certain time will come. And in this manner we let go all the precious moments to have fun while achieving our dreams. If we wait for a perfect time, it won't arrive.

Two days ago, I did rock climbing and was I afraid? Hell yes! But the moment I realized that its just a mountain and I am a man… It cannot move but I can, all my fears & doubts were gone. I felt happiest while I was climbing it, not when I reached over it. During the process (the climb), I felt on top of the world. It was so exhilarating that I can't speak in words, still I'm trying.

Friends, what I'm trying to say is, Please don't postpone happiness for future. This is the time to be happy, to have fun, to love, to pursue your dreams. You will regret more of the things you didn't do but you wanted to. Please don't do this to your amazing self. Remember, you have got only one life- Live it according to YOUR values, dreams & vision. 

As we climb we are lifted,
to discover wonders in the realm of possibility,
for once this mountain blocked us in our vision,
but now it is the ground from which we see.
Wes Beavis

Keep Dreaming People. Be Happy. Have More Fun.

Your friend always,
Rohit Agrawal

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