Thursday, August 21, 2014

Unleash the winner in you.

Don't look backwards, you are not going that way!

Do you think that you are a failure because you failed at something in your life? That's stupid! Right? Just because you didn't succeed last time doesn't mean you won't in future. Any failure does not make you a failure. Any unsuccessful attempt does not make you a loser - Quitting makes you a loser.
And winners are not quitters. It doesn't matter how many obstacles come in your way while pursuing your purpose in life... If you are determined to achieve what you want you can do anything.

There comes a time when we feel low, discouraged and beaten. But that's an inevitable phase of life if you are truly pursuing your dreams & life goals. I too, sometimes feel sad and uninspired to do my dreams... But I am no quitter. And I believe that neither are you! So don't ever think that you can't do something because you couldn't in the past. Your past is not your future. Your past failures made you more wise & smart for your wonderful future.

Go out there and make your dreams come true. Ignite the fire in you and unleash the true you. You deserve it. This world deserve it.

Your friend always,
Rohit Agrawal

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