Thursday, August 21, 2014

Unleash the winner in you.

Don't look backwards, you are not going that way!

Do you think that you are a failure because you failed at something in your life? That's stupid! Right? Just because you didn't succeed last time doesn't mean you won't in future. Any failure does not make you a failure. Any unsuccessful attempt does not make you a loser - Quitting makes you a loser.
And winners are not quitters. It doesn't matter how many obstacles come in your way while pursuing your purpose in life... If you are determined to achieve what you want you can do anything.

There comes a time when we feel low, discouraged and beaten. But that's an inevitable phase of life if you are truly pursuing your dreams & life goals. I too, sometimes feel sad and uninspired to do my dreams... But I am no quitter. And I believe that neither are you! So don't ever think that you can't do something because you couldn't in the past. Your past is not your future. Your past failures made you more wise & smart for your wonderful future.

Go out there and make your dreams come true. Ignite the fire in you and unleash the true you. You deserve it. This world deserve it.

Your friend always,
Rohit Agrawal

For regular updates, please visit my website: 

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Peaceful Warrior.

Happiness is a journey, not a destination. It seems like a cliché but it is the truth.

It happens to all of us that we fall into a trap of not celebrating our successes while pursuing our dreams. We tend to think that we will celebrate when a certain time will come. And in this manner we let go all the precious moments to have fun while achieving our dreams. If we wait for a perfect time, it won't arrive.

Two days ago, I did rock climbing and was I afraid? Hell yes! But the moment I realized that its just a mountain and I am a man… It cannot move but I can, all my fears & doubts were gone. I felt happiest while I was climbing it, not when I reached over it. During the process (the climb), I felt on top of the world. It was so exhilarating that I can't speak in words, still I'm trying.

Friends, what I'm trying to say is, Please don't postpone happiness for future. This is the time to be happy, to have fun, to love, to pursue your dreams. You will regret more of the things you didn't do but you wanted to. Please don't do this to your amazing self. Remember, you have got only one life- Live it according to YOUR values, dreams & vision. 

As we climb we are lifted,
to discover wonders in the realm of possibility,
for once this mountain blocked us in our vision,
but now it is the ground from which we see.
Wes Beavis

Keep Dreaming People. Be Happy. Have More Fun.

Your friend always,
Rohit Agrawal

For more updates, my FB page:

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Dreamers are Awesome.

Let the dreamer in you come out- You’ll do wonders then.

Yesterday, it was my first session in a school. The students were so excited that they now have kind of a teacher who will not lecture them but to be a friend. The talk was based upon DREAMS & the reason behind writing this blog is:

I asked an 11 year old girl about her dream and she said that she want to be a pilot. I could clearly see that most of the kids belong from rural backgrounds. But you know, there are no limitations on their thinking and imagination. That was the moment I felt tears in my eyes- the kids are innocent and so true to themselves. But the crowd, our so-called society always try to tear them down- “You can’t do this”, “You don’t have resources”, “You are not talented enough.” And then the dreams become unrealized. It happens to almost all of us friends.

But please remember that you are destined to become a dreamer, a genius, and a legend. Your dreams are worthy to be pursued. Do not betray yourself by saying that you can’t do something. There is enormous power lies within you, just tap into it. Reawaken the child in you and start doing your dreams.

Keep Dreaming Fellas. Keep Learning. Keep Achieving.
All the very best. People who want to achieve greatness are my motivation- And you’re among them.

Life is Beautiful. Make it Gorgeous. And please do not forget to share your valuable comments. If you like it please share it and help others.

Your friend always,
Rohit Agrawal

For more updates, my FB page:

Friday, April 11, 2014

Gratefulness is the key!

"Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for.”                                                                                                                                          ― Epicurus

This awesome quote always reminds me to be humble and grateful for everything that I have in my life.

Sometimes, it happens that at the end of a day we feel that the day didn't went well. Doesn't it? Kindly do this very simple but insanely effective exercise to overcome this kind of sadness:

Take a pen & paper and write down all the good things that had happened to you all day. It can be written as- Met with my best friend, felt great. Or as- Spent time with my family & loved ones, felt rich. This may sound strange friends but it really works. Almost instantly a feeling of calmness & contentment will start setting in your heart. Why? Because when you become grateful for all that you have in your life, you become happy. You begin to feel how awesome your life really is. In fact, we all are so privileged to have all that we have in our lives.

You get only one life, make the most out of it.

You're Awesome. Always remember that. Please do this exercise and don't forget to share your amazing insights, I'll be grateful.

Have Fun. Keep Enjoying.

Your friend always,
Rohit Agrawal

For more updates, my FB page:

Saturday, April 5, 2014

The Secret to Happiness.

Hello friends,

I want to share something with you that might help you find the true purpose of your life.

What is the ultimate purpose of our life?

Being HAPPY! Our basic longing is happiness- because everything that we do, EVERYTHING is based upon this- We’re looking for pleasures, so ultimately happiness is the purpose.

Then why so many people don’t do the things in their life they really want to do, that will give them true happiness? One simple answer- Fear. We are fearful that if we will do this what will people say? What will relatives say? What will the society say? We tend to forget our true dreams and start to follow the crowd. We try to fit-in so we wouldn’t seem different from them. But my dear friends, as George Bernard Shaw observed it very well-

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world. The unreasonable man adapts the world to himself. That’s why all progress depends on the unreasonable man."

So please, stop trying to be a fit-in. Try to be different. Try to be who you are. Try to be who you really want to be in the core of your heart. Because the only thing that provides us bliss- the purest form of happiness is, that we are true to ourselves, that we are aligned with our values and our dreams, that we are not just somebody in the crowd. Do what you really feel like doing in your life and you will be a genius at what you do eventually.

Remember, being different is a wise way to live. Just ask Steve Jobs, Richard Branson, Lionel Messi, Michael Jordan, Sachin Tendulkar, Edison, Einstein, Picasso or Beethoven.

You’re Amazing. Don’t you forget that.
All the very best for the life of your dreams. Keep Enjoying.

Please don’t forget to leave your comments and valuable insights so I can improve my service. And together we will change the world.

Your friend always,
Rohit Agrawal

For regular updates, FB page:

Monday, March 31, 2014

Climb Your Own Mt Everest

Hello friends,

It's been a long time since I've shared something to you. Today, I want to discuss something really important that will change your attitude towards your productivity. Here, what does that mean by Mt. Everest?? Don't worry you don't have to climb the real Mt. Everest. Here it denotes the goals you have for your life- your dreams you really want to make come true.

As the great sculptor & painter Michel Angelo once said: “The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it."

These words have amazing power. When you set some big goals, when you express your bravery to see huge dreams, you become unstoppable. The world may laugh at you but from inside you are at peace because you know what you are doing. Sometimes you may feel scared but that's the reason you grow as the amazing person you really are in your heart. Everyone feels fearful while doing something new but with time things become easy and the person becomes more courageous and fearless.

So please, set huge and unimaginable goals and try to rise above them. When you do it you become more positive and focused. You become more aware of the choices you should make for the achievement of your goals & dreams. And eventually you become a much better person.

So please let me ask you, What is you Mt Everest this year??

Keep Rocking Guys. You're Awesome indeed. Its really great to be of service to you.

Your friend always,
Rohit Agrawal

Dream Out Loud!

Hello Friends,

First, a very happy 2014 to you and your family. I believe that you are all set to make this year legendary in your personal, social, professional, financial & spiritual life. Now, coming to the point, I wanna ask you something:

"What will you do if you know that you won't be failed?"

Today, ask yourself: What are your truest dreams & desires that you wish to be come true? What are your bravest ambitions that you want to achieve? Now, as a Chinese proverb says, "The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the second best time is now." You know what I'm saying- Act now. On your dreams. On your core values. And on your own life. You don't get from your life what you want, but you get who you are. So be awesome. Think impeccable. Work smart + insanely hard. Love your life. Go fulfill your dreams.

Because there is an angel hidden inside of you... a genius craving to come out... Believe in yourself and PLEASE set it free. I'm feeling goosebumps while writing this. You know that you can do anything. So I'll ask you again, "What will you do if you know that you won't be failed??"

All the very best. Make this year unforgettable.
Life is Amazing.

P.S.- I’m always here to help you whenever you need a friend- to share a problem, an achievement, or anything else. Believe me, I really want to elevate your life.

Your friend always,
Rohit Agrawal