Saturday, April 5, 2014

The Secret to Happiness.

Hello friends,

I want to share something with you that might help you find the true purpose of your life.

What is the ultimate purpose of our life?

Being HAPPY! Our basic longing is happiness- because everything that we do, EVERYTHING is based upon this- We’re looking for pleasures, so ultimately happiness is the purpose.

Then why so many people don’t do the things in their life they really want to do, that will give them true happiness? One simple answer- Fear. We are fearful that if we will do this what will people say? What will relatives say? What will the society say? We tend to forget our true dreams and start to follow the crowd. We try to fit-in so we wouldn’t seem different from them. But my dear friends, as George Bernard Shaw observed it very well-

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world. The unreasonable man adapts the world to himself. That’s why all progress depends on the unreasonable man."

So please, stop trying to be a fit-in. Try to be different. Try to be who you are. Try to be who you really want to be in the core of your heart. Because the only thing that provides us bliss- the purest form of happiness is, that we are true to ourselves, that we are aligned with our values and our dreams, that we are not just somebody in the crowd. Do what you really feel like doing in your life and you will be a genius at what you do eventually.

Remember, being different is a wise way to live. Just ask Steve Jobs, Richard Branson, Lionel Messi, Michael Jordan, Sachin Tendulkar, Edison, Einstein, Picasso or Beethoven.

You’re Amazing. Don’t you forget that.
All the very best for the life of your dreams. Keep Enjoying.

Please don’t forget to leave your comments and valuable insights so I can improve my service. And together we will change the world.

Your friend always,
Rohit Agrawal

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