Friday, April 11, 2014

Gratefulness is the key!

"Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for.”                                                                                                                                          ― Epicurus

This awesome quote always reminds me to be humble and grateful for everything that I have in my life.

Sometimes, it happens that at the end of a day we feel that the day didn't went well. Doesn't it? Kindly do this very simple but insanely effective exercise to overcome this kind of sadness:

Take a pen & paper and write down all the good things that had happened to you all day. It can be written as- Met with my best friend, felt great. Or as- Spent time with my family & loved ones, felt rich. This may sound strange friends but it really works. Almost instantly a feeling of calmness & contentment will start setting in your heart. Why? Because when you become grateful for all that you have in your life, you become happy. You begin to feel how awesome your life really is. In fact, we all are so privileged to have all that we have in our lives.

You get only one life, make the most out of it.

You're Awesome. Always remember that. Please do this exercise and don't forget to share your amazing insights, I'll be grateful.

Have Fun. Keep Enjoying.

Your friend always,
Rohit Agrawal

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