Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Dreamers are Awesome.

Let the dreamer in you come out- You’ll do wonders then.

Yesterday, it was my first session in a school. The students were so excited that they now have kind of a teacher who will not lecture them but to be a friend. The talk was based upon DREAMS & the reason behind writing this blog is:

I asked an 11 year old girl about her dream and she said that she want to be a pilot. I could clearly see that most of the kids belong from rural backgrounds. But you know, there are no limitations on their thinking and imagination. That was the moment I felt tears in my eyes- the kids are innocent and so true to themselves. But the crowd, our so-called society always try to tear them down- “You can’t do this”, “You don’t have resources”, “You are not talented enough.” And then the dreams become unrealized. It happens to almost all of us friends.

But please remember that you are destined to become a dreamer, a genius, and a legend. Your dreams are worthy to be pursued. Do not betray yourself by saying that you can’t do something. There is enormous power lies within you, just tap into it. Reawaken the child in you and start doing your dreams.

Keep Dreaming Fellas. Keep Learning. Keep Achieving.
All the very best. People who want to achieve greatness are my motivation- And you’re among them.

Life is Beautiful. Make it Gorgeous. And please do not forget to share your valuable comments. If you like it please share it and help others.

Your friend always,
Rohit Agrawal

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