Monday, March 31, 2014

Be what you want to be.

Hello everyone,

I hope you all are having fun with your progress to become the very best of yourself.
As I promised you earlier, I'm here to share a pretty fascinating strategy I've learned from an awesome book by Dale Carnegie. So here's this:

What quality do you want to get in your life or in your personality??

Just start acting as if you have that quality. Yes, You heard me right. 
Just act like you own it.

If you want to be more brave, act like you are the bravest person in this world. If you want to have more courage or confidence, just start acting more courageous or confident, and believe me on this, You'll most certainly have it very soon.

The virtues you were longing for will become a second nature of yours, if you just start acting like you have it with deep conviction.

All the best guys. Have fun. Enjoy your precious life, it's worth living fully.

You are awesome. Be an original. Be yourself.

Your friend always,
Rohit Agrawal

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