Monday, March 31, 2014

Pursue Happiness


Today, I want to share an incident that happened with me yesterday. I believe that it will be as thought-provoking for you as it was for me. I went to the market to buy some vegetables and I saw a boy of almost 16 selling veggies who was laughing while talking to his customers. I went to his stall and asked the prices of different veggies. He smiled and told me as asked. I asked him to give me veggies and it was easy to notice that he was full of enthusiasm and energy while working. He seemed happy, working with all his zest.

But almost after five minutes, I noticed one more thing which almost moved me: He was infected by polio.Both his legs were affected by polio- He cannot even stand properly. I noticed this late because he was just sitting there.

This got me thinking- Are we that much full of enthusiasm, energy and inspiration as this ordinary boy?? Even when his life is affected by the disease that cannot be cured- he was putting his best to make his customers happy. But what do we do even when we are so much blessed?? We have an awesome mental & physical state. Even after having such an enormous potential, we cry over things that we cannot control... or even over those we can control. We are so tend to think about our setbacks, problems & shortcomings that we often forget to enjoy our lives and pursue happiness.

Remember, you are living a life- It's more like a roller coaster ride… ups & downs are its natural phases. So why should not enjoy it. Please learn from this simple, ordinary but an amazing veggies seller that your weaknesses don’t matter if you believe in yourself- it's up to you to be happy. Please trust me on this- do not betray yourself by telling yourself that you can't do something. You are special. You can do anything- if you have courage and determination. Keep faith on your strengths. Develop your talents. Achieve greatness. You’re in this world to make this better. Rock this world.

May GOD provide you courage, wisdom & strength to lead a life of awesomeness. 
Life is Beautiful. Make it Gorgeous.

Your friend always,
Rohit Agrawal

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