Monday, March 31, 2014

Choose Your Heroes.

Hello everyone,

As the name suggests, I am talking about the influences we choose in our life. You must remember that when you were just a kid, you must have imagined yourself in some superhero costume... saving the planet from the "bad people". Some of us used to admire Batman, Superman, Captain planet or Spiderman. But, now you've grown up, you should think about the real superheroes to lead a life of your dreams.

Select your role models or heroes from the fields in which you want to be world-class, whether its academic, sports, finance or any other. When you choose someone to model, to learn & to set examples for you, you become more focused & efficient because we learn most from the examples that people set around us.

So here's the big idea: Just start acting like them (Your chosen heroes), talk like them, walk like them, behave like them. Start learning their habits & adapting their mindsets. I know it seems vague at first but when you start applying this strategy, you'll definitely achieve the great rewards you were longing for.

A few examples to help you in choosing your heroes:
Entrepreneurship - Richard Branson, Henry Ford
Finance                - Warren Buffet, Robert T. Kiyosaki
Sports                  - Bruce Lee, Rafael Nadal, Usain Bolt, Michael Phelps, Lionel Messi, Jordan, Sachin Tendulkar

Keep rocking friends. Believe in yourself.
Everyone's born awesome. You can do anything.

Your friend always,
Rohit Agrawal

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