Monday, March 31, 2014

Mind over matter!

Hello everyone,

In my 2nd session, I discussed about the importance & role of our mind in leading the life of our dreams. Our mind is a muscle like any other muscle in our body- You can either use it or lose it. As to make our body strong, we need to do physical exercise on a regular basis, we can make our mind strong with a few simple exercises.

Before telling you about the techniques let me tell you this: 

Einstein could not speak until the age of 4, yet he became the greatest physicist the world has ever seen. Kalidasa was so dumb that he was cutting a branch of a tree and was sitting on the same, but he became one of the greatest poet and dramatist in the Sanskrit language. There are many examples like these which set us thinking thatwe too can make our mind strong, if we persist.

If they can do it, anyone can do it. You can do it. Everyone is a genius.

Keep learning. Believe that you're awesome.

Your friend always,
Rohit Agrawal

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