Monday, March 31, 2014

You're happy when...

Hello everybody,

Today, I took the very first session of my Personality Development & Leadership Programme (PDLP). The whole conversation was based on the progress we are making in our lives in every aspect possible.

Well, what I emphasis is the importance of growing on a daily basis. When we know that we are growing in some way whether its mental, physical, emotional or financial, we feel happy. Yes, that's completely right. 
You want to know why?

Do you remember the last time you've achieved something?? Of course, you remember every single time when you achieved something whether its so small like doing 2 more push-ups while doing workout or winning a state or national championship in some kind of sports. You absolutely remember all the exact moments very vividly when you got great results of your efforts.
You feel happy when you achieve the results you wanted to get. In the same way, ''We're happy when we know that we are growing."

Keep Learning. Keep Rocking. All the very Best Friends.
I love to share my thoughts with you. Make your life remarkable.

You're born Awesome. Believe me.

Your friend always,
Rohit Agrawal

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